'when my life is over, the thing which will have given me greatest pride is that I was first to plunge into the sea, swimming freely underwater without any connection to the terrestrial world'
'when my life is over, the thing which will have given me greatest pride is that I was first to plunge into the sea, swimming freely underwater without any connection to the terrestrial world'
Bet Russia dosen't grind to a total halt and shut most of it's schools for a slight dusting of snow like we do. Funny how they manage. I would sumise sport still goes on as opposed to here where it was utter choas in the "light snow" we had.
I did enjoy asking Bill Arthur at half time as he was walking past a long string of cables which one I could pull out so I could f**k their weekend up as well.
:shock: Bet Russia dosen't grind to a total halt and shut most of it's schools for a slight dusting of snow like we do. Funny how they manage. I would sumise sport still goes on as opposed to here where it was utter choas in the "light snow" we had.
Because Russia has never seen snow like we did, or is completely drenched in sun shine every day of the week? Its hardly a viable comparision, is it.