Michael_Ward wrote:
it's time you Yorkies shoved this 'Leigh thugs' bull back where it came from.
reffy wrote:
The Yarkshire Mafia won't like London now only 2 pts behind them.
DemonUK wrote:
So glad it wasn't a yorkshire team that toppled us
Evil Yorkshire swines with their conspiracy/bias. I recall the furore when we faked the moon landings and killed princess Diana in the Parisian Tunnel. Threw a whippet under the wheels of the Merc as I recall.
Where does the conspiracy start geographically? I would have thought Todmorden would be hard to call. On one hand you'd think they'd hate Leigh because technically they are in Yorkshire. But on the other hand, as they have that curious Barrrm pot, black pooding Lancashire accent, maybe they love Leigh?