As for refs been wrapped in cotton wool, what good would it do if Cummins came out and the ens of every round critisising his employees in the press, I'm sure they review the performances and try and improve. The moaning about referees by fans and managers alike is laughable at times.
I'm sorry but why is it almost seen as taboo to criticise a ref's performance after a game if they have made a few mistakes? Wrapping them up in cotton wool helps no one as it further adds to the fans frustrations if mistakes are happening and no responsibility is being owned up to.
Why is it seen as to much to ask for refs to hold their hands up and apologise after they make some bad decisions? Players are coaches are big enough to do it when mistakes occur so why can’t ref’s?
It’s just typical people in power not wanting to be held accountable to the public for the decisions they make.
I'm sorry but why is it almost seen as taboo to criticise a ref's performance after a game if they have made a few mistakes? Wrapping them up in cotton wool helps no one as it further adds to the fans frustrations if mistakes are happening and no responsibility is being owned up to.
Why is it seen as to much to ask for refs to hold their hands up and apologise after they make some bad decisions? Players are coaches are big enough to do it when mistakes occur so why can’t ref’s?
It’s just typical people in power not wanting to be held accountable to the public for the decisions they make.
Because that would be way too reasonable, obviously
It seems some are happy to say "Our referees are bad, ah well, nothing we can do about it" and some would like to see something done about it!
Sorry Mr 14000 posts, your opinion is obviosuly more valid than mine because you don't like what I have to say
No, it's more valid because you are an ignorant boor.
j_hunter_hkr wrote:
What exactly is my "agenda"?
Do you have short term memory loss?
referees need to be brought down from their pedestals and made accountable for their p*ss poor performances publicly!
YOUR AGENDA 1. Referees are "on pedestals" 2. They need to be "brought down" 3. They are apparently unaccountable 4. their performances are 'p*ss poor' 5. the 'refereeing standard has dropped' 6. they 'aren't good enough' 7. they should be publicly slagged off, to jolly well teach 'em
j_hunter_hkr wrote:
All I want is to see an improvement in refereeing standard
... which would, in itself, be a perfectly reasonable thing to want.
j_hunter_hkr wrote:
and if that means dropping refs if they aren't good enough then so be it.
Again, nothing wrong with that (if you ignore the fact that this is the system we already have)
I'm sorry but why is it almost seen as taboo to criticise a ref's performance after a game if they have made a few mistakes? Wrapping them up in cotton wool helps no one as it further adds to the fans frustrations if mistakes are happening and no responsibility is being owned up to.
Why is it seen as to much to ask for refs to hold their hands up and apologise after they make some bad decisions? Players are coaches are big enough to do it when mistakes occur so why can’t ref’s?
It’s just typical people in power not wanting to be held accountable to the public for the decisions they make.
why? what would it achieve??
The ref didn't win the game for Huddersfield, Huddersfield did. The ref didnt lose the game for Hull KR, Hull KR did why should the ref apologise?
The only recent incident I can remember where the ref has actually cost a team the game was in the Millennium Magic game when Leeds scored in the last minute, and guess what, the ref admitted he was wrong.
To be honest when Anderson was critical of Smith last year I'd have gone along with that. Collective punishment and it'd be tough on Thaler (that dripping sound is my heart bleeding ), as he'd be under intense scrutiny as to whether his judgement had been affected in either direction, but we can't have coaches, even one I like and admire, telling the RFL what to do - there has to be a hierarchy, otherwise the game would end up in chaos.
It could work in Rovers favour if we don't get Thaler for a while, Morgan might even regard any fine as money well spent, but it shouldn't.
It seems some are happy to say "Our referees are bad, ah well, nothing we can do about it" and some would like to see something done about it!
No its just some of us don't thin knee jerk reactions and public floggins are the way to achieve a better standard of refereeing, just as doing the same to a player wouldn't make him a better player.
'when my life is over, the thing which will have given me greatest pride is that I was first to plunge into the sea, swimming freely underwater without any connection to the terrestrial world'
Morgan is clearly a sore loser, this is all it boils down to.
If you listen to him after games where we have lost you will know he is far from a sore loser, in fact he is quite honest about our performances, what was annoying on Monday was the performance of a so called top official, which would have had any of SL coaches spitting feathers, let alone the fans getting irate. He was awful, there is one thing allowing the 'odd' encroachment into the ten to be overlooked to keep the game flowing, but in some of the sets he only took them back about 8 metres AND let them stand a metre offside, unless Crabtree has all of a sudden become faster than Usain Bolt from a standing start.
I know he will cop a fine, but as he said, he has raised the issues with the RFL through channels in the past and they have done nothing, now we have a pathetic performance from Thaler (again) and he has let his emotions get the better of him, he never once said we did not deserve to lose, he was quite clear we were the worst team and played badly.
I hope someone buys the match DVD and puts it on Youtube so you can all see how shocking Thaler was.
'when my life is over, the thing which will have given me greatest pride is that I was first to plunge into the sea, swimming freely underwater without any connection to the terrestrial world'
No its just some of us don't thin knee jerk reactions and public floggins are the way to achieve a better standard of refereeing, just as doing the same to a player wouldn't make him a better player.
But if a player was consistantly performing poorly, he would be dropped into the reserves until he improves, the coach would not keep playing him KNOWING he wasn't up to it.