Re: Is Rugby league becoming soft? : Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:48 pm
What I don't get is that apparently there are players on the disciplinary panel yet the needless and cowardly and dangerous things we see are virtually ignored. The shoulder charge was banned and is stamped on every opportunity even though it was a part of the game a fair proportion of fans loved. Yet late hits on the kicker, lifting/dump tackles, cheap late shots on the passer are all just accepted even though they are in many cases FAR more dangerous. How are pros/ex pros overseeing that?
I would far rather see two props swinging for the rafters toe to toe than tackles like McIlorums, and I'd far rather see a shoulder charge than a late hit on a kicker. But we all know what will be picked up and whatigmored be ignored. The game isn't soft it's just exchanged tough for cheap and that's down to the officials and those in charge of them.
I'd also link it to the point we see about diving creeping in to the game. It's always going to when refs let those kind of cheap shots go. Some may disagree but if I were the coach I would be telling my players to make the most of every cheap shot they received. They are under no obligation to cover for their opponents or mitigate their cheap attacks. For a lift and dump like McIlorums I would tell my players not to move a muscle and make sure the dr is on and take every single precaution necessary. If it takes 20 mins to get him off the pitch so what. My players safety comes first. If that has the by product of drawing attention to the tackle and forcing the ref to make a decision then good. Every bit of illegal play would require a stop in the game with all the pressure that will entail because if the ref doesn't follow the instructions of a doctor or follow safety protocol then the lawyers will have a field day and if the RFL were to neglect their duties again the lawyers would be rubbing their hands with glee.
Eventually the only way to stop the game turning in to a mess would be to stop these incidents hy penalising them out of existence.