Omar Little, that quote you've linked, (which Wire Yed refers to (the Matt Haig one)) hits the nail on the head exactly.
Omar Little and anyone else who understands this stuff (there's many a good fellow on here by the looks of things), can you
make any suggestions as to where to go. After reading the posts, I'll be a bit more open:-
I was roughly 26 when I realised that I wasn't feeling the same about things. I'm nearly 40 now and have attempted loosly to address it. I've been the doc 3 times over that period and prescribed sertraline, worked a bit but not that much. The 3rd time I was using 100mg a day but it made me feel very distant. I have wonderful things in life such as my family and friends, my students (I'm a music teacher) who I take great pride, and Wire who I used to follow home and away (and still follow). I love all these things but the dreaded D word takes away all the satisfaction. You get to a stage where your love and passion for everything becomes a duty in your mind, and you fulfil the role you have as a person by not wanting to let any of those loves and beliefs down. I've had quite a few beers tonight, and there's no way I could say this now if it wasn't for being drunk and for the posts Wire Yed and fellow members have made on this.
I can't/unable quote the Matt Haig comments again as I can't work the IT stuff, but Wire Yed and others where exactly right to say that those comments are very accurate.
RIP Wire Yed, the boys did you proud today. We just fell short but we've shown enough to win the GF with a bit of lady luck.