We're the first ones to starve, we're the first ones to die The first ones in line for that pie-in-the-sky And we're always the last when the cream is shared out For the worker is working when the fat cat's about
Last season's Rabbitohs was the only one I saw when I wondered in t'other day. Along with England's World Cup jersey.
However, JJB in Wigan, in the new Grand Arcade, usually have a good stock of NRL jerseys. That said, with JJB seemingly going under, perhaps they won't be selling this seasons jerseys.
Downunderleisure in Wigan, they have an olins shop, pretty good service too, and they have the current NRL shirts, training wear etc. They also have some quality retro shirts, a really nice Bunnies one that I want.
"phil ford, he's a bit of a stepper
replacing hugh wardell, in jumper no. 15 it's brian case
oooh and he does a bit of a boogie
gregory and gregory, sounds like a firm of solicitors