Ashton Currie Drinkwater Dufty Fitzgibbon Green Harrison Holroyd King Lindop Musgrove Nicholson Powell Ratchford Tai Thewlis Vaughan Walker Whitehead Williams Wrench
Five centres in the squad (if we count Stef as one) and there's not going to be a lot of size on the bench, whoever is selected. Wood and Bullock injured, I assume?
I hope Whitehead gets a chance. Never really seen signs that he would force a way into the team until the Wigan game in the league, he was a standout for me. That said, Lucas Green did nothing wrong in his cameo’s last season either and could benefit from getting some SL experience in a better environment.
Is Okoro just a development player at the moment, or is it another Bullock in the making? Has experience, supposedly a big powerful prop, but the week we are light in the forwards he still doesn't make the 21.
**** Just watched some highlights and yeah, big, fast, aggressive and has an offload to his game. Bit odd he still hasn't had a look in yet.
Last edited by Or thane on Sat Jul 06, 2024 12:50 am, edited 1 time in total.