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| Turnbridge WMC
Guest Speaker – ex-player Brian Blacker.
Meet 7:30 for 7:45 start.
Wednesday, 22nd June
7:30 pm for 7:45 pm start at Turnbridge WMC - our annual Big Quiz.
£5 per team of 4.
Winning team receives half the evening's takings.
Example of quiz can be found [url=http://www.giantssupporters.co.uk/Documents/Mixed%20Quiz%20Sample%20Questions.pdfhere[/url. There will also be a picture round.
Entry forms are [url=http://www.giantssupporters.co.uk/Forms/Quiz%20Entry%20Form.htmlhere[/url.
This event is both competitive but with lots of fun thrown in.
Spread the word – the more teams entering, the more the winnings and more to the club.
Both events are open to members AND non-members.
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| To promote once again, a FUN event OPEN TO ONE AND ALL....
....Wednesday, 22nd June
7:30 pm for 7:45 pm start at Turnbridge WMC - our annual Big Quiz.
£5 per team of 4.
Winning team receives half the evening's takings.
Example of quiz can be found [url=http://www.giantssupporters.co.uk/Documents/Mixed%20Quiz%20Sample%20Questions.pdfhere[/url. There will also be a picture round.
Entry forms are [url=http://www.giantssupporters.co.uk/Forms/Quiz%20Entry%20Form.htmlhere[/url.
This event is competitive but with lots of fun thrown in.
Spread the word – the more teams entering, the more the winnings and more to the club.
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| We have a trophy to present to the player who, in the Association's opinion, is the club's ':3tirbz0cMost Valued Player:3tirbz0c'. Please rank 3 players in order, number 1 being your first choice, 2 - 2nd, & 3 - 3rd.
Whilst the definition is purposely left wide open, if you work along the lines of 'who would I least like to leave the club' then you won't go far wrong.
Please note that only votes from members of the Association will be counted.
The voting form can be found online [url=http://www.giantssupporters.co.uk/Forms/Most%20Valued%20Player.html:3tirbz0chere[/url:3tirbz0c.
A paper voting form will be available in the near future.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday 6th September featuring that top referee, Mr R Silverwood.
Please consider bringing something to the ‘Memorabilia Night’.
Remember, the Ossett Brewery trip is limited to 30 members ooking form [url=http://www.giantssupporters.co.uk/Forms/Brewery%20Booking%20Form.html:3tirbz0chere[/url. We need people/organisations to buy 36 reindeer at £5 each. We need 7 races sponsoring.
2012 membership subs will remain at £5. New members can join from 1st September for £5 through to the end of 2012.
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International Board Member | 6816 | No Team Selected |
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| Speaker - Dave Wood [BBC RL Expert
Dave readily admitted that he had the best job in the world. Why?
Dave's father was a farmer whose day off was spent working! He also made the transition from watching soccer to being an ardent fan of The Greatest Game after watching Leigh play Wigan. From there on in he started the young Dave [at the age of two along the path of supporting Wigan.
When he was in the 6th form at school, his teacher told him to read 'There Is A Happy Land' by Keith Waterhouse who was a journalist with the Daily Mirror. This immediately made Dave realise that he also wanted to be a journalist. A journalist specialising in Rugby League.
Shortly after, he somehow he obtained Alex Murphy's home telephone number and rang him asked if he could have a story. Alex had just been made redundant from Wigan but gave an in-depth interview. Dave contacted the Bolton Evening News with the scoop. This was syndicated around various national newspapers - and a career was born.
After leaving school he joined a freelance agency in Wigan reporting on rugby and soccer in the West Lancashire area.
After one piece of investigative journalism, Dave was banned from Central Park for life by Maurice Lyndsay! David Stephenson was about to join Leeds because Wigan would not increase his pay. Because Wigan would not give him an interview, Dave obtained the ins and outs of the situation from David which was syndicated around the world!
A somewhat displeased Maurice rang Dave up telling him that David was NOT in dispute with the club: Wigan had made David an offer which he had refused to accept! Maurice informed Dave of the sentence but rescinded it the following day when he wanted Dave to publish a story on a different topic!
When a job for 'News & Sport' was advertised at BBC Radio Leeds, Dave applied for it. Due to being a little unprepared for the interview, he failed to land the position which went to Peter Drury. However, he was given a news reporter's job the week after which eventually led to him becoming breakfast show presenter - and the start of his next career phase.
When Harry Grayshon moved from 5 Live to become Rugby League's Public Relations person, Dave stepped into his shoes.
One of his first jobs was to commentate on one of his least favourite sports - football! However, this was to give Dave the opportunity to travel the world and work with many of his heroes.
Dave is still with 5 Live, but as a freelance reporter. He now includes Channel 5 and the Rugby League as his clients.
But Rugby League is still his first love.
He remembers that his first Challenge Cup Final was in 1974 and he has not missed one since. However, now, when he attends, he feels like a child waking up on Christmas Day: he commentates on the match for the BBC! "What an honour" he said. "There have only been 3 Cup Final Commentators: Eddie Waring, Ray French, and now me!!"
After an outstandingly entertaining talk, Dave went on to answer questions from the audience and gave some interesting thoughts about how, in his opinion, Rugby League should move forward in the immediate future.
Mick Beevers gave a heart-felt vote of thanks to Dave for such an insightful and humorous evening.
Tony Johnson will be our next speaker on Tuesday 1st November. A trip to Ossett Brewery will be on Friday 18th November, and a Reindeer Race Night will be on Friday 2nd December.
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| AGM - Wednesday 19th October - Turnbridge WMC
The Supporters Association of the Huddersfield Giants held their Annual General Meeting in the convivial surroundings of Turnbridge WMC on Wednesday 19th October.
After Dave Calverley, the outgoing Chairman, had welcomed guests Scott Grix and James Brammer, he gave his report on the first 18 months of the resurrected society.
There had been many positives in that time. These included the outstanding speakers on Tuesdays, the excellent visits [Heritage Museum, Galpharm Stadium and fun events at Turnbridge [quizzes, games evenings, nostalgia events on Wednesdays. Membership is now over 60 - more double the projected figure of 12 months ago. Read the full report [url=http://www.giantssupporters.co.uk/Editorial/Chairman%202011.htmlhere[/url.
After thanking the committee for their enthusiasm and commitment, Dave moved on to the first presentation of the evening. This was the Association's 'Harold Wagstaffe Trophy, awarded to the player whom the members considered to be the club's most valued player, the player they would least like to see leave the Giants. In appreciation, he joined the ever-increasing number of supporters who wear the Fartown Fez.
A total of 10 players had been nominated but in the end it was a two horse race between Luke Robinson and Scott Grix. Scott narrowly pipped Luke at the post and was presented with the trophy by Dave. Genuinely pleased and surprised, Scott thanked the members for the honour they had bestowed upon him.
Next a cheque for £250 was presented to James Brammer [Giants' Marketing Manager by James Atherton [treasurer. This was to be used to promote youth development both at the club and its catchment area.
Details of the newly elected committee can be found [url=http://www.giantssupporters.co.uk/Editorial/About%20Us.htmlhere[/url.
In closing, Dave reminded the assembled throng about Tony Johnson's appearance at November's meeting, the trip to Ossett Brewery, also in November, and the Christmas Party incorporating a Reindeer Race Night.
All details about the Supporters Association can be found at [url=http://www.GiantsSupporters.co.ukwww.GiantsSupporters.co.uk[/url.
We are still seeking a secretary.
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| HGSA information is now posted in the main body of this forum.
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Updated Details:
There are several ways to keep upto date with the HGSA and events:
1. PM Ivor your email address and he will add you to the mailing list. These are semi regular emails detailing whats happening plus RLWC tickets etc
2. Follow @HudGiantsSA on Twitter https://twitter.com/HudGiantsSA.
3. Like the HGSA Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Huddersf ... 2655733481
4. Join us pre-match in the Turnbridge Working Mens Club. Here
5. Be friends with the Chairman on Facebook
6. Read the regular column in the Huddersfield Examiner or online at www.examiner.co.uk
Updated Details:
There are several ways to keep upto date with the HGSA and events:
1. PM Ivor your email address and he will add you to the mailing list. These are semi regular emails detailing whats happening plus RLWC tickets etc
2. Follow @HudGiantsSA on Twitter https://twitter.com/HudGiantsSA.
3. Like the HGSA Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Huddersf ... 2655733481
4. Join us pre-match in the Turnbridge Working Mens Club. Here
5. Be friends with the Chairman on Facebook
6. Read the regular column in the Huddersfield Examiner or online at www.examiner.co.uk
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International Board Member | 6816 | No Team Selected |
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| Quote Wadski="Wadski"
5. Be friends with the Chairman on Facebook'"
And not just on F/b 
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International Chairman | 14986 | No Team Selected |
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| First of all on behalf of the Committee may i wish all HGSA members and Giants fans a happy, healthy and prosperous new year and all the best for 2015 !!
Now on to our 1st meeting of the new year this coming Tuesday (6th January) at Turnbridge WMC where our guest will be the Super League referee Robert Hicks. Want a Ref's view of the game ? then come along and see what he has to say about it !!
We hope to see plenty of you there especially some new faces.
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| If you weren’t at Turnbridge yesterday, you missed an absolutely superb evening with Robert Hicks. He expressed his refereeing & personal views both openly and frankly.
Marcus St Hilaire is our next guest on Tuesday 3rd February.
The Fans’ Forum is on Tuesday 20th January. Door will open at 7:00 pm to be ready for a prompt 7:15 start. After speaking with the club this morning, it will be held at the Stadium.
The panel will consist of Paul Anderson, Craig Huby, Chris Taylor [new director, and Danny Lockwood [publisher of the Rugby League newspaper League Weekly. Entry will be free for HGSA members, season ticket holders, and accompanied children, otherwise a nominal fee of £2 will be charged [the room will have to be paid for. Anything you can offer as a raffle prize will be most welcome.
Our Annual Pre-Season Meal will be on Friday 30th January at Bradleys Restaurant. 7:15ish start [confirmation to follow. Some hardy souls will be meeting in the Sportsman [just below Bradleys at 5:00 pm. All are welcome. Deposits [£5 per person or full payment [£14.50 are now required to book your place. Sorry, but no money in advance means that you won’t be able to dine with us.
You committee will be having one of its regular meetings with Ken Davy, Richard Thewlis, and Paul Morgan in February. If there is anything you want us to put to them [comments, suggestions, complaints, etc please let us know.
Details at [url=http://www.giantssupporters.co.ukwww.GiantsSupporters.co.uk[/url.
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International Chairman | 15309 | No Team Selected |
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| Thought I would post here as well as the supporters association thread.
Head coach Rick Stone will be the guest speaker at the HGSA on Tuesday the 6th, so if anyone has any questions they would like to put to him, or just to hear what he has to say, then feel free to come along to Turnbridge WMC, entry is free for HGSA members but only £1 for non members,annual membership is also available at only £5.
Should be an interesting night so we hope to see as many people as possible.
7:30 start so anyone wishing to come along please get there in good time.
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International Chairman | 15309 | No Team Selected |
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Less than 2 months until the HGSA's annual reindeer race night and tickets are now available at £5 each!, we also require sponsorships and prize donations, if anyone is or knows anyone who is willing to help out then please get in touch, all donations, ticket sales and sponsors are very much welcomed, and if anyone can promote the event by sharing and maybe putting up posters of flyers at workplaces, clubs etc, and come along and have a good night and help raise money for junior development. please also feel free to share this, thanks!