: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:42 pm
in that case then , one day we will get to the stage where you can get match fit in a gym.
all it takes is a few simulators to hit the body as if its being tackled, and other similar machines.
they said we would never make a nuclear weapon at one time as well.
as science progresses, so does progress.........or summat.
only thing i can think of against my own theory is that as we progress, the game will progress (as its been doing) and players will get fitter and need to be more match fit to cope, thereby always keeping one step in front of scientific advances.[/quote]
Whilst i agree that training methods have improved and will continue, for example 20 years ago most teams weight training would have been based on bodybuilder type workouts, where as now they do more sport specific stuff and olympic lifts. I would be amazed if anyone used exercises like curls! I dont think you will ever be able to train for 100% match fitness. Training is more linear than a game.
In all sports, athletes are always knackered when they finish the race due to the extra effort they put in, and you cannot train for that. That extra effort is down to mental strength and nothing else. The Will to push yourself further than you do normally.