Wigan Departed XIII : Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:03 pm
Was watching "Boots 'n' All Online" from last week (reviewing the Cas game) and Terry O'Connor was going on about us getting rid of to many good players and came up with this "Wigan Departed XIII"
1. Shaun Briscoe
2. Dave Hodgson
3. Paul Johnson
4. Chris Melling
5. Martin Aspinwall
6. Danny Orr
7. Luke Robinson
8. Jerome Guisset
9. Terry Newton
10. Danny Sculthorpe
11. Danny Tickle
12. Bryn Hargreaves
13. Stephen Wild
Just out of interest who out of that lot where we wrong to get rid off? And who if any would you have back now?
For me only Shaun Briscoe is a major loss. Newton maybe at the time although I think we got his best years out of him.