Re: Men in Lycra - the Wrestling thread : Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:19 pm
If anyone was to break Taker's streak, then it should be a young up and comer. Someone who the WWE can build on and who's career will get a huge boost from that win. HHH doesn't need that win. His legacy is secure.I just worry that HHH's ego will say that he SHOULD break the streak.
For the Cena vs Rock match, I'd say that it should be a win for Cena. I know a lot of people say he can't wrestle, but I don't buy that cos the guy works his ass off. Sure he's got his big moves that you can count on 1 hand, but then so has every big name in wrestling for the last god knows how many years.
The trouble is, they've had a hard a hard time trying to tell this story when you've only had both guys on the same show for the last couple of weeks. It's made harder as WWE can't seem to get let go of Cena as the face, even though Rock has been working as the face too.
I assume they're hoping for a Rock vs Hogan style crowd. And as in that match which was a passing the torch moment, the younger guy should get the win.