Taking the urine : Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:05 pm
I like others were flabbergasted and dismayed that Neil made the after match speech despite not being on board or in an official capacity at the club.Despies protestations from some fans he carried on as if nothing had happened, at what point will there be a reality check that most fans feel he should walk away graciously as this type of thing has peed off fans today that should be celebrating a fantastiic performance.
The name of the former chairman is franky not relevant but the damage he has caused to the club I have supported and loved for years is a major issue.
Whoever assuming this was sanctioned by the actual board agreed this were very misguided.
My views on this are well known and wont bore you all with details.
However I am confident and assured this will be finally resolved shortly without further tarnishing of the cougars name. Am unable or willing to divulge further on this. I may not represent everyone but having followed and paid week in week out for as long as I remember I am prepared to speak my mind whether this upsets folk or not is not my concern.
Neil please see the light as to what happened under your stewardship and stop making it look foolish.