Sorry a bit late but these are the minutes from the Fundraising meeting 13/9/10
· Rachel to put a story about the Cougar Stompers on the website (actioned within the meeting)
· A Christmas party will be held on behalf of all supporters, sponsors, etc, in the Hall of Fame in December – unfortunately girls the best I can do is Friday 26th November unless we have it in the Diamond Suite where there are some dates available in December? Let me know. There will be free food but the drinks will have to be paid for. Fund raising activities such as a Festive Quiz and Stand Up Bingo will be organized
· A Race night will be held on 27th December after the Dudley Hill match (according to Colin we’ll sell horses at the Keighley Select match on 19th December). GF to see Colin next week.
· Rachel will organize quarterly quiz nights with the first one being on 22nd October in the Hall of Fame
· A “Back to School” party will be organized for Friday 21st January. All players will be invited as well as all supporters
· A Casino night has been organized for Saturday 13th November
· We need to discuss re-invigorating the Supporter’s Club – GF to speak to Colin
· We need to sort something out for the 40th man raffle
· We should discuss further the concept of the season ticket holders receiving benefits to attract further fans in (e.g. 4 free vouchers for the season for new faces)
· There should be cheaper lager in bigger bottles
· We need to develop a mascot package
· We should develop a Keighley Young Achievers/Freddie’s Friends process where it culminates down at Cougar Park
· Gale’s son Joe will be the MC/DJ for next season – thank you Joe!
· We need a further discussion regarding merchandise, e.g. players signed photos for £1