Whilst we all winge and speculate about what's happened there's a load of staff and players down at Cougar Park who no doubt have been going through a rotten few weeks.
Hopefully it's not going to get worse for them and we can all start to move forward with KC2010.
Last of all, Merry Christmas to all players, staff and everyone posting on here.
Load of staff? Too many i think.time to cut the wage bill,simple as!
Quite simply the buck stops with those with ultimate responsibility at the club which means both directors of cougars 2001. The silence on this from them is deafening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obe, cutting staff? That's a bit harsh - it should only ever be a last resort. That's people's livelihoods you're taking away! A few more fans per game would be a better solution, so let's get out there and spread the word.
Luck is a combination of preparation and opportunity
Just to avoid confusion Starbug is the username of Steven Pike
SOMEBODY SAID that it couldn’t be done But he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it!
Obe, cutting staff? That's a bit harsh - it should only ever be a last resort. That's people's livelihoods you're taking away! A few more fans per game would be a better solution, so let's get out there and spread the word.
As I posted earlier , 150 per game would have given you the 180 grand over 9 years , the problem then is that the BOD would then budget for 150 more than that , and so it goes on
The answer is more revenue not reliant on the playing of RL , or increasing income from all sources available to the club , and finding new revenue streams and accessing them and maximissing them
Obe, cutting staff? That's a bit harsh - it should only ever be a last resort. That's people's livelihoods you're taking away! A few more fans per game would be a better solution, so let's get out there and spread the word.
I would suggest an half decent explanation of this debt would be a good start, and letting us know the make up of the new board might also help things along.
I certainly won't be beating a drum for the club until we get shown some respect, as opposed to the b******t we've been fed about about our financial stability.
Load of staff? Too many i think.time to cut the wage bill,simple as!
Whilst it's not nice to let people go, it's a fair point Steve.
We've got reserves being paid to do development work.
I know junior rugby league is important and so is getting down with the kids but in my opinion it should be left to the 3 full time first team players to do it.
A lot of this massive bill that was due will be most likely be interest that HM Revenue & Customs charge on late and overdue payments. Over the last few years this interest rate has moved up and down from a high of 8.5% to a low of 2.5% that HMRC charge over the course of the year. This interest is added to the original value on a DAILY basis until the whole amount is paid. So I think a lot of the money will have built up there.
Doesn't make any excuses for how the club managed to get themselves into this mess. Just like our club did a few years back. It would be better if they were upfront with the fans in the first place and explain how it happened.
Good luck for the coming season, look forward to seeing you all when we play.
Thing is, AJ, whoever IS at fault, it probably isn't the backroom staff, receptionists, etc. It seems very unfair that they should lose their livelihoods for someone else's errors. I wouldn't want the Cougars to save a few bob by getting rid of the people who help make it all happen every Sunday. We all like to think of the Cougars as 'our' club - the staff must feel that bond in a very real way, and to let them down would be bordering on unforgiveable. I'd rather pay a bit more to see them, than have people lose their jobs.
Thing is, AJ, whoever IS at fault, it probably isn't the backroom staff, receptionists, etc. It seems very unfair that they should lose their livelihoods for someone else's errors. I wouldn't want the Cougars to save a few bob by getting rid of the people who help make it all happen every Sunday. We all like to think of the Cougars as 'our' club - the staff must feel that bond in a very real way, and to let them down would be bordering on unforgiveable. I'd rather pay a bit more to see them, than have people lose their jobs.
Disagree there Mick,i for one would not pay more to keep someone in a job.
To keep the club alive the axe has got to fall somewhere,IMO.How else is the club going to pay off that MASSIVE debt?
Luck is a combination of preparation and opportunity
Just to avoid confusion Starbug is the username of Steven Pike
SOMEBODY SAID that it couldn’t be done But he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it!