I fall in to that age category. The question has to asked. What's being done to attract people like me here? Not a lot to be fair, it's all aimed kids and families instead.
Why aren't people in like me coming? Well for a start since I started coming in 1991 the entry price has nearly trebled. Wages haven't. It affects younger people because they tend to be in lower paid jobs.
What can we do about it? It's a difficult one, there's no guarantee that just reducing ticket prices will equate to more fans. I think it would need a multi faceted approach, make it more than just the rugby but a cheap social event, sell high quality merchandise that we want to buy, that we're happy to wear. A young lad/lass walking through town in a nice Cougars shirt is a walking ad hoarding for the club.
When I was at the away game in Toulouse I came across a club shop for the Union team. It was a boutique full of top quality nike merchandise, jeans, shirts and accessories you'd wear on a night out . Ours in comparison look cheap and poor quality and the only place you can buy them is out of a cargo container at the ground.
Don't get me wrong, I know we can't match what they had in Toulouse but have stuff on sale that resonates "buy me" maybe have it available in Willis Walkers or something.