I have supported Keighley for over 20 years inc cougar mania et al
I can say im so happy that I attended last weeks game against NWC, ok not the greatest game ever but certainly an entertaining one never the less especially that last 20 - 25 mins, best crowd of the season to boot.
However my point is the game was won by that final kick of the game by Danny Jones, the TH stand had 4 - 5 hundred cougar supporters in it when the goal went over it felt like 5000. Genuinely the players celebrated like they had won the cup final, all embraced the crowd soon after, ok in the contex of it, it was just a league game win, it felt like so much more, it brought for me a great feeling as the week went by one not felt in a long time. Actually ranked up there with some of the great cougar moments from cougar park and beyond for me.
It was such a happy moment and that is the way I will remember Danny Jones R.I.P