GP - Have you any idea how much time the Cubs Coaches, Physios and staff give up their time and the expenses they incur on the thankless task. They are salt of the earth putting something back into the community for the next generation. The town has less clubs and things for young people than it did a generation ago. This comes with an amount of grief from parents, players and opposition staff that they have to take in their stride week in and week out. Put on top of that the short notice venue changes and incidents of the being put down and not supported by the club on occasion.
Now how many players have come through the Cubs ranks over the years?
Have their volunteers always been allowed free entry to home games? ( Worth £100)
If you added up all the hours in a year pre, during and post matches and training and attending disciplinary hearings, or going to hospital etc and divided the £100 between that we are talking about a few pence per hour if that, you would deny them?
I doubt the club loose out as they will buy a pint or two maybe whilst at each game.
If you say the Cubs coaches should not get in for free, then would it not be just as fair to say you shouldn't get in and enjoy watching our future players playing for free also!!!!!!!
I think on the back of last nights performance to link it to Cubs Coaches getting in free is short sighted and irrelevant.
Save a few quid. Anoy them. I know 1 thinking of quitting. Are you going to take his place?
If anybody thinks the coaches only do it to get into games free, then they must be thicker than a Skipton doorstep.
Thats ridiculous. Like saying "He only joined the paras to get a free pair of boots."
If you charged all the Coaches the £100 for the years viewing, well we would be rich. Happy days, no more problems, could buy loads of players with that money couldn't we. NOT