bentleberry wrote:
It's unreasonable to expect them to be perfect role models, it's reasonable to expect them to have enough professional pride that they won't get drunk and crash cars or assault police officers, which brings the whole game into disrepute
Whatever he's done brings Scott Moore into disrepute, not the game. I'm not saying whatever he's done, if anything, is okay, and it's a shame that he's potentially let himself down, but I accept people like him will do daft stuff. If he didn't, he wouldn't be the player he was/is. It's the ying and yang of aggressive hookers and prop forwards. Ryan Bailey seems to be a nasty piece of work, but if he wasn't, he'd have never donned a Super League jersey.
I'm happy to accept that some people have flaws, we all do, in some way, and an aggressive rugby player, whose aggression makes him a successful rugby player, may well have more flaws than most.