The latest nimby letter to roll in really had me in stitches,
She ends by saying "Quality of life matters", because really lets face facts; an old pit-site will keep our quality of life sky high, while our kids get fatter and fatter and we lose yet another cornerstone of our civic history (pro RL).
PEOPLE if you haven't got your letter in do it now!!!!
I will be home from Cumbria on sat, I've offered 2 pints for any of my mates in Sandal in return for a quick letter in support. In fact anyone that drinks in the Castle show me a print out of your letter and i will happily get you a couple of jars in!!!- hopefully i can get at least 10 in over the next week!!!
Bribery may not work in most aspects of life but as a teacher it seems to be the only way to get things done these days!!!
Can't say fairer than that!!!!