Theboyem wrote:
Nope which is why all press releases have to be as clear & simple as possible for them to understand! They will always look for a story even if there isn't one so you got to get everything watertight.
I sort of agree with your view here.
The problem is, in modern journalism and a 24 hour news culture, things move quickly and the speed of the story is important for many media outlets such as websites and radio. Also, journalism and journalists are not what they used to be. The need to fact check has become secondary to the speed of the news itself. So, our young reporter here at the YP is probably a junior member of the website team, his news editor throws a press release and story at him, which he then uses the internet to research and does not bother picking up the phone to James or the club at all. That is ok to him, other news outlets are reporting they have shelved Newmarket, that was not clear in the press release, so we will run with that... someone must have checked this before me??? Err, no, someone, somewhere made an assumption and now the whole media circus is reporting this as a fact because the story is not big enough or worth the time for the website reporter to check any further... he is now writing his 10th story of the day for the website about some Mum's wanting a pedestrian crossing on a dangerous bit of road.
This can also work the other way and I must admit, RW and Cas seem to do well here!
Remember how Cas had SOLD WR for £50m the other week... it was on the BBC main website for gods sake, it must be true! Of course it wasn't, the reporter at the BBC website (paid slightly more money than the guy at the YP and lives in London) made some assumptions. To be fair to Cas, the press release didn't say that at all, it said the development value was worth £50m, which is probably true! However, quick as a flash in the rush to report the story the whole of the media are reporting this as being a fact... even Sky News, who probably should have just picked up the phone to the sports department and fact checked it with them and got the right answer. But now the BBC have said...
You need to be very clear about key messages and I think you are right, that it was not clear enough and now this is the result!