sixtogo wrote:
Where have I had a go at the people trying to help exactly? If you read it properly then my beef is mainly with the developer who have pulled the wool over everyones eyes and the inner council chamber who have been less than supportive. But does anybody really think that £12million is going to just come the trusts way? To keep pushing for that may result in nothing at all. At some point soon then it may have to be a case of cut and run or risk losing the lot. But that there there call, as I have said good luck with your efforts. I'll happily keep my opinons to myself in future which i'm sure will please the majority on here.
You're not on your own in that stance, I had my say as soon as it became common knowledge that YCP had circumvented the S106. My words were something along the lines of, they've revealed their intentions. IMO it was time back then, about a year ago, to go for the people involved with all that we had. We should have gone straight to the SoS Office, The media, the WMDC etc.
At the same time I too praised those who are persevering with their strategy and I will support them in spite of having a different opinion on things. I respect the time and effort that those individuals are putting into this cause and I wish them success.
I'm a supporter of some 40 odd years and watch home and away, attend Scolarship and Academy matches and pay into 1873. My opinion is as valid as the next mans and just because I don't share the same idea on how to move forward doesn't make me less of a supporter or mean I'm being critical.
Colin Mackie has stitched the Community up and won't lose a wink of sleep about it. The biggest question for me is who else knew about the stitch up.