: Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:06 pm
training in the winter for most junior teams is a nightmare no facilities, no lights in most places mud baths of fields and unmotivated players. move the junior game to summer. get away from the jobs for the boys. assess coaches at clubs when theyve passed their badges not just the 15 minutes to pass the course.not every junior can play sl but some can be good nl 1 or 2 players or play a good open age standard. weve got more people playing the game than ever before so its popularity is growing so why is the top level going backwards. coaching plain and simple
Cracking post and absolutely right; however, more than a few people on this board,
and others, need to lose the 'I'm alright Jack, eff you' attitude if RL is to consolidate its current position and grow again in the future.
The salary cap makes sense but not in it's current guise; it needs a review with the facility to reward clubs who grow their merchandising and fanbase, those that easily exceed development requirements etc. We all want a level playing field but it needs to be one that promotes organic growth.