Is it true that Richard Agar's favorite movie of all time is Groundhog Day or does he just generally like the same boring s**t day after day, season after season?
Marys Place, near the River, in Nebraska, Waitin' on A Sunny Day
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
When you rescue a dog, you gain a heart for life.
Handle every situation like a dog. If you can't Eat it or Chew it. Pee on it and Walk Away.
"No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin. " Anuerin Bevan
They won the BARLA Youth Cup Grand Final by 40-12, a great performance with Reece Lyne named man of the match.
Apart from Reece Lyne, Does anyone know how many of these kids are signed to FC ?
HULL ISBERG: 1. Louis Sherriff, 2. Gareth Bolton, 3. Reece Lynn, 4. Curtis Pullen, 5. Josh Fox, 6. Lewis Brown, 7. Tom Allen, 8. Callum Taylor, 9. Joe Gay, 10. James Johnson, 11. Aaron Ollett, 12. Josh Teale, 13. Dylan Calvert, 14. James Deighton, 15. Jack Gay, 16. James Carrick, 17. Bobby McGilligan.
The only two that are top class are Louis Sherriff and Reece Lynn, Louis went to Rovers, Hull seem to be well covered in the fullback department with Briscoe, Spouse and Beavis coming through.
Last edited by Dave K. on Thu May 07, 2009 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
The only two that are top class are Louis Sherriff and Reece Lynn, Louis went to Rovers, Hull seem to be well covered in the fullback department with Briscoe, Spouse and Beavis coming through.
I'll lay sportsman bet that A Ollett makes a the grade quicker than the 2 you mention above
Last edited by Tarquin Fuego on Thu May 07, 2009 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'll lay sportsman bet that A Ollett makes a better job than the 2 you mention above
I've not been that impressed with him. A couple of players I know in his age group dont rate him that hihgly either, guess we will have to wait and see
I watched them for five years now, Reece has the attributes to go as far he wants too. Leeds and Wigan offered him more money than Hull, nut he choose to stay at Hull.
I am surprised as I know Aaron from when he played at 6 years old . Haven't seen him play in last 2 seasons but he is a 100% tryer and that's where I feel he could go far.
I am surprised as I know Aaron from when he played at 6 years old . Haven't seen him play in last 2 seasons but he is a 100% tryer and that's where I feel he could go far.
Fair enough, but the other two have something special about them, tahts why i think they have more chance of making the first team before Aaron