Wilderspool memories wrote:
To be honest I am goin g to the magic weekend but even if I wasn't you wouldn't get me anywhere near featherstone fans after the behaviour I witnessed from them at our ground a couple of weeks back.
This man is a loonatic, he has been putting on many forums that we caused trouble, we caused none just put plenty of money in there economy. I know what his problem is, on his .org profile he calls himself Warrington Casual, grow up man, you didnt like rovers because are fans are everything yours arnt. 400 lads turned up at 12 all wearing flat caps, had a right laugh in the pubs singing all the amateur rugby teams songs, some stripping off, but all good natured and no bother. We are different fans to yours but we used to be the same not any more sunshine get over it, there never was any fans like Rovers and there still arnt.