At least he is honest about it. : Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:30 pm
Dennis Betts - "It was embarrassing. We embarrassed ourselves, we embarrassed the club. It was just embarrassing. We decided to put the cue in rack and that's not good enough. I thought we deserved our lead in the first half as we fought hard and survived but then in the second half instead of regrouping and continuing what we had done we thought we just needed to come out and the game would be won. "We didn't have the ball a lot in the second half - I think we had it eight times, the rest of it we were defending. We didn't get the ball back but the thing is you have to stop the opposition from scoring tries and we didn't do that.
"We were soft and at times it was embarrassing to see so many people on the floor and not making tackles. It was far too easy. We have to do something radical in the next two weeks to come back from that.
"It was an embarrassing way to end a week when everyone's worked hard in the build up."