WireWonder wrote:
Half decent ground? Just about.
Big support? No.
History? Not bad that's all. But it won't win them any points in 2012-14.
Good side? No. Just been thrashed by the 'mighty' Leigh so imagine what the likes of Wigan,Warrington and St Helens will do to them.
Prospects in SL? Booked in to be wooden spoonists for all of the Vikings 3 year stay.
I really can't see what all that euphoria was about in Widnes land yesterday. Once the 'honeymoon period' is over it will end up being truely demoralising watching your side get taken to the cleaners week in week out. You heard it here first.
Righto, thats enough to generate my first post on here, read the forum a lot but heres goes,
I imagine over there at the top of your 'Weve won two challenge cups' big tree, you look down on all us mere mortals scrabbling to apsire to be you. What you should know is that we look up to the top of the mighty wire tree and see the odd prize primrose and blue posterior staring back at us.
If after ten years of hard work, effort, no doubt the odd hammering here and there, we should have the bare-faced cheek to have apsired to greater things, just like you lot have done, then, just as now, Ill consider your initial post to be some of the best drivel Ive read in years.
Also, I hope and pray that we never develop such an up my own wotsit, were all better than you, attitude that your recent successes have given you. Why not just bask in your rightfully earned glory and allow the rest of us the chance to earn some of their own.
Now jog back off to the top of your tree whilst I, along with a fair few happy Vikings, plot ways to show you our black and white backsides.