You seem suicidal because McNamara hasn't picked your precious Mickey Mac, who's better than Roby, and Darryl 'Meninga' Goulding who makes Jamie Lyon look like an amateur.
You seem suicidal because McNamara hasn't picked your precious Mickey Mac, who's better than Roby, and Darryl 'Meninga' Goulding who makes Jamie Lyon look like an amateur.
You seem suicidal because McNamara hasn't picked your precious Mickey Mac, who's better than Roby, and Darryl 'Meninga' Goulding who makes Jamie Lyon look like an amateur.
You seem suicidal because McNamara hasn't picked your precious Mickey Mac, who's better than Roby, and Darryl 'Meninga' Goulding who makes Jamie Lyon look like an amateur.
You seem suicidal because McNamara hasn't picked your precious Mickey Mac, who's better than Roby, and Darryl 'Meninga' Goulding who makes Jamie Lyon look like an amateur.
Lets wait and see what people say who went the game.At least we did not ship too many points in the secondhalf, and Barrow had a close game with Leigh.
You seem suicidal because McNamara hasn't picked your precious Mickey Mac, who's better than Roby, and Darryl 'Meninga' Goulding who makes Jamie Lyon look like an amateur.
surely not? we are rugby league fans. we should follow the tradition of making assumptions based on sod all then repeat them ad infinitum in a fanatical manner, no matter how great the evidence agaisnt our view