SRC wrote:
Remember it was J20 who started this thread trying to be a smart @rse when he didn't know the facts. It is some of your fans who are the ignorant (and arrogant) ones.
I can't see how I'm ignorant to be honest. The facts and figures speak for themselves. Your season has been akin to a grand scale 'hokey-cokey' - players in, out, in, out. Ainscough being the perfect example. The system is bad for the player, unsettling for the squad and unfair on the player that gets dropped when the 'big time charlie' is available to play.
Injuries and recalls have all played their part. There is nothing to snipe at here. Like I said, we have used 8 club grown players. When your club can say that you may have something to get on your high horse about.
We have probably played too many of our youngsters too soon. This isn’t good for them and has leveled the learning curve they should be getting by playing along side a team with plenty of experienced players. The players we have brought in on DR are close to the step up, as has been shown with 4 of them being recalled to first team rugby in SL.
When you look at the reasons why we have used so many players, and put it in its true context, there is no cause for the sort of criticism which has been coming from some quarters. No-one at Widnes wanted it this way either.
Barrow have used both loan and DR players. They do not bother with a youth system and have no moral high ground to pontificate about Widnes’ use of such players.