: Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:41 am
I think the most important thing for me was the confidence and belief with which the panel spoke.
The board were absolutely certain that we would be in SL in 2012, whether they have had word from above or simply believed what they were doing i do not know but it was said with conviction.
With regards to the team, PC spoke very well of the culture and efficiency he is bringing to the squad and explained that many of the players released had too much baggage or were too injury prone. He only wants players who fit into the model they are bringing to the club and believes the current squad won't be such high maintenance and will consist of honest players who are willling and committed to do the hard work.
The effects of Cassidy's pre-season were evident particularly with Thomas Coyle who looks far leaner and fitter already.
I think the idea of us looking to build a squad from within will pay dividends and the fact that we've not rushed out to sign sl journeymen shows the thought and effort that has gone in to PC's vision of how he wants his squad to play.
A very worthwhile event all in all. We need to be thankful that we have such a solid and business like team leading our club.