: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:37 am
tut tut tut.. when will you people learn??
We don't have to pay anyone.. he does it because he wants to.. because he knows in his heart that it is the right thing to do. A couple of times last night you could see him talking to the fourth official and speaking about his moral dilemma over whether to favour Widnes or call the technical fault and award a penalty.. and the fourth official repeatedly assured him that it was right to favour Widnes.. because he loves us to.
We are loved by everyone..and if you do not love us you are not true to yourselves and will never find inner peace and tranquility!!!!
Everyone loves us and realises that we should now be in Sooper Leek..
The RFL secretly gathered us all in a room on the 23rd July 2008.. all of us, even those that had merely received a Vikings branded geometry set as a present, and told us all not to worry that they would sort it out for us..
In another two years time we will be leaving you all behind and by god how you will miss us.. this competition will become drab and miserable and you know even now as you read this that you will all think.. "gee whizz.. remember when Widnes were in this league.. they were great days".