Re: New forum banner... : Thu May 05, 2011 7:41 pm
vikingsmurf wrote:
forgive me Dalto. It was not my intention to cause offence or in anyway imply that stephen hawkings condition is a laughing matter, as it certainly is not. in fact it never even occured to me, i was merely associating our great club with a personal hero and inspiration of mine not to mention a famous and towering figure in his own field, also his inclusion facilitates the inclusion of the equation, his condition never even entered my thinking.
sorry mate, i really wasnt trying to make light of motor neuron disease, god no. never even occured to me. and never would.
sorry mate, i really wasnt trying to make light of motor neuron disease, god no. never even occured to me. and never would.
I didn't mean to suggest you were being offensive. Hawking is a national treasure. It was just a bit close to the knuckle for me personally. I love black comedy as much as anyone but I'm still not over it after 5 years, it's a terrible terrible way to go.
But no, you didn't offend me, its hard to do that by accident and you seem like a good bloke.