: Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:58 am
You have to be incredibly naive to think that Gannon (who has a decent disciplinary record) is in the scrum one minute and then just decides to throw a couple of punches..
Something goes on between Gannon and McDermott so there is room for it to be argued that Gannon retaliates.. The referee got it completely right to send both players off for 10 minutes to calm down rather than ruining the game.
You do seem to have Barrow tainted spectacles on to think that Gannon just wades in without any provocation.
As others have said on here the Barrow tactic was the same tactic you used up at Craven park which was to try and rough-house us from the off.. Your coach got it completely and utterly wrong and knackered you for the rest of the game.. The major difference this time is that we have a pack that can deal with that now and both you and your coach seriously sound whingy for complaining when the opposing team stands up for itself.
If you have a problem with the RFL's decision then appeal and take it through the correct process rather than crying in the papers about how hard done to you were.. if you want to play rough.. we'll play rough.. if you want to play classy.. we'll match you at that too..