Webbo in the league Weekly : Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:52 pm
Just been reading the League weekly and they have a player column at the back each week called in the sheds, basically a dish the dirt on your team and stuff. This week it was the turn of Webbo.
Says Ben Kavanagh is the dunce of the team and doesnt seem to care about anything. Also describes him and Doddy as the biggest moaners at the club.
Best trainer and hardest player goes to Dean Gaskell, explains that he's into his cage fighting and lifts the heaviest in the gym etc and trains like a demon. Also says he wouldnt like to meet him in a dark alley. For anyone who has ever seen Widnes train you want to see him and Smithy wrestling, they both hate losing and both are as strong as bulls.
Describes the best player at the club as Iain Morrison and says he's surprised he isnt playing Super League.
Says Michael Ostick loves himself and brags about the ladies.
John Duffy is the best dancer and singer.
Jim Gannon likes pole dancing and has a shocking dress sense but is described as the most intelligent.
Shayne Grady is great at the one liners.
If i had to pick randomly who i thought fell under each category i would have probably picked them.