I’m happy for the club to wait until 2012. I think it would be better all round.
I have a bit of sympathy for the Wrexham Crusaders here. They have a better stadium and better crowds than CC had, and they really do seem to be taking to the game there. I work on the Wirral and there are a lot of Welsh lads there and a few actually now go to watch RL in Wrexham, whereas they didn’t watch it at all before. They took 800 fans away to their play-off game as well, which is very encouraging and shows what a good idea it is to expand closer to the heartland areas.
The stone dragging them down seems to be from their previous guise as the Celtic Crusaders. It’s the RFL’s mess this. They rushed this club through, with little thought as to whether they were actually equipped to cope with Super League and put trust in a man who had a previous record of simply dumping rugby clubs.
What a shame that the promising Wrexham Crusaders are saddled with the mess created by the RFL and Samuel. Hopefully it will get sorted for them.