The Peacock role is one that's been puzzling me over the last few days.
There has been the usual idiots calling for Hudgell and Crossland to step aside and let one of the queue of multimillionaires waiting to buy the club to just do that!!! Now as this is not going to happen and NH and RC being the only money people silly enough to throw loads of money at this club I assumed that JP was brought in to manage the club and let NH and RC to step back and relieve the weight of the responsibility.
If I'm right about the above then the last thing JP needs is at the first crisis the old guard has a rant on twitter. This should have been a considered approach and come from JP himself, show the fans that this is his watch now and outline his disappointment and plan to get us out of the hole.
If I'm wrong then I also struggle with Jamies role in the organisation.
As for the fans forum, struggle to see the point really. Bit like the upcoming referendum, it allows uniformed people to make decisions based on little facts and ultimately leads to abdication of responsibility.