Cyril Gossard
Vincent Duport
Robin Brochon
Louis Carré
Loan Castano
Tiaki Chan
Enzo Colchero
Damien Dauset
Enzo Delbe
Valentin Fernandez
Thibault Franck
Jayson Goffin
Maxime Jobe
Romain Khedimi
Léo Laurent
Léo Llong
Erwan Mathe
Paul Marty
Mike Parenti
Cédrix Payrou
Corentin Rey
Lucas Ribas
Hugo Salabio
Adrien Saliès
Bastien Scimone
Ugo Tison
Tanguy Zénon
Young U19 players Loan Castano, Enzo Colchero, Damien Dauset, Enzo Delbe, Valentin Fernandez, Erwan Mathe, Adrien Saliès and Tanguy Zenon are joining the first team squad.
Thibault Franck (St Gaudens), Mike Parenti (Palau), Corentin Rey (Avignon) and Paul Marty (Narbonne, Rugby Union) are also joining the reserve team.