Foreign based call centres
UK based call centres
Use of the clauses "would of", "should of" or "could of"
Soccer supporters who complain about refs' decisions but don't want video technology
Inability of 99% of the population to spell Middlesbrough correctly
People who fly the Union Flag upside down
People who don't know that you can do that
People who think 12 am is midnight
Oxygen thieves
Darts players who can't subtract
Cyclists who insist they produce zero CO2. Have they stopped breathing ? I wish ......
Repeated use of the word "innit"
People who sound like they're asking you a question when they're telling you summat
Political correctness
Anybody who works for the Government
Anybody who used to work for the Government and is now on a fat index-linked pension for which I'm paying
Lancastrians who think they live in Cheshire or Cumbria or somewhere
4x4 drivers
Rugby coaches who sit behind you moaning non-stop