Quote maurice="maurice"It gives Champ clubs a day in the media spotlight they may otherwise not get, to be shown live on national tv may also add some value to sponsorship.'"
The money saved could be spent by the clubs on marketing and community work in their locality which would be more beneficial.
After the 'spectatcle' of the live national television coverage of your game v Featherstone I would be very surprised if any sponsors are rushing into parting with any of their money.
Quote maurice="maurice"It gives fans a chance to have a weekend away, having the craic with other like minded folk even though some clubs had very few fans in attendance.'"
Most fans have an opportunity of a weekend away every fortnight due to the regular fixtures.Please share with me which fans from which club had craic with Leigh followers and are considered like-minded, and why the number of other club fans should make a difference? Perhaps they were in the bars,mentioned by Charlie,singing and mixing well.
Quote maurice="maurice"Those clubs will be having a right royal whinge now due to it costing them money to participate as the event was paid for from funding and clubs kept their sales.'"
Should I expect the transparent RFL to disclose how the clubs have benefitted and how much profit each club has made? Probably not just as I didn't expect attendances to improve after the last world cup on home soil.
As the game was on the doorstep for Leigh,in contrast to the other clubs,I didn't expect too much complaint from their supporters.
Should Sheffield get its new stadium in time for next season perhaps the Bash could be held in this development area.Given how much the Leigh followers enjoy the concept perhaps they could drag themselves from their Super League Magic Weekend and indulge themselves in south Yorkshire.
That is if they make super League,of course...
Quote maurice="charlie caroli"What a great result for Rugby the London one was,the weekends highest score,has the Seagulls bubble burst?Are the Seagulls showing signs of cracking.?Is Menzie ready to be put out to pasture?Is this Tubbs last stand?All will be revealed in due time,look over your shoulders , Fev,Fax,and Dews are closing in.'"
Does this mean you Leigh followers didn't actually watch other games? Pah! I thought you embraced the concept and stayed the whole weekend and watched all the matches bringing along new spectators to enjoy the delights.
Some former hookers do make good coaches you know and Hendo knew all the strengths and weaknesses of the majority of our players and his side were very good.You should let the nice Mr Rowley know that rugby league can thrive in London and games can be won without cards being shown.
It was a nice wake up call and it shall certainly keep the feet on the ground of our players.An experience not known to the supporters,players and coaching staff at Leigh
Perhaps you were rehearsing your comedy routine but for your information both Fev and Fax lost so it cannot be viewed that they are closing-in.
Fev were involved in a little bit of controversy but I cannot recollect who their opponents were.
So,if Leigh fans want the Bash weekend to continue the RFL have only one option.Hope its at Sheffield...