: Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:41 pm
What happened with Dewsbury Celtic-East Lancashire Lions who couldn't raise a team there?
Not sure how fair it is on Gateshead Storm to have to play loads of midweek games through no fault of their own, 2 scratched so far and possibly one next week (as East Lancashire have to go up there).
I'm guessing the issue is overlap with BARLA primarily as it only seems to be northern teams affected (and thus regionalisation wouldn't solve things), and there wasn't a problem last year so much but this year we have an extra four rounds lengthening the season.
I guess they have to either tighten minimum criteria (which wouldn't leave many teams) or shorten the season and have a pre-season comp for the teams that can play then. Sadly I imagine they'll either pretend there isn't a problem and make up scores or they'll shorten the season but not provide any more games for the better run clubs