Quote DaveO="DaveO"Given my point was it is foolish to focus on one group why on earth should I do that? Hence your point was marrow in my opinion. '"
Generally, it's traditional when debating a subject that you first discus the primary points. In this case, controversial teachings from the Koran, before widening the exchange to include various other points. Specifically, Radical Islamist terrorists. If you simply dismiss the subject matter as "too narrow" and cannot be bothered to address it, then you add nothing to the debate.
Quote DaveO="DaveO"
This thread was started with a post that basically cited various teachings and aspects the poster believed to be something that will lead to Muslim's committing terrorist offences. I don't see it as any different from some Irish youth being radicalised once again by Republican hard liners.'"
Wrong again. What the OP highlighted was 6 points from the Koran;
1) "The laws in various Islamic states show that they think that Aisha [who was married to Mohammad at the age of six was under 10 when Mohammed had sex with her. And to Muslims, Mohammed is regarded as the perfect man; it is part of their religion that they should emulate his behavior."
2) "Muslim men are taught in mosques that women are second-class citizens, little more than chattels or possessions over whom they have absolute authority."
3) "The Koran makes a distinction between legal wives and slaves, and instructs Muslim men that they can have sex with either their wives or their slaves."
4) "Not only are Muslim men permitted legally and morally to rape their slaves, but they are also forgiven if they turn a slave girl into a prostitute."
5) "There are also features of Islam which are supremacist and which look with contempt at non-Muslims."
6) "The Hadiths also permit Muslims to rape women who are captured after a battle (whereupon they become the property of Muslims, that is, they become slaves)."
There is absolutely no mention of this leading to the wider Muslim community committing terrorist offences. You read it, didn't like the points being raised for discussion, and immediately attempted to foist your own irrational spin to it, as well as crowbarring in a reference to the IRA!
Quote DaveO="DaveO"
Read what I said again. It is not nonsense at all. It is obviously true that whatever radical groups there are will pose varying levels of threat at any one time.'"
And yet you wrote: [i What would be really foolish would be to polarise the issue of radicals who happen to be Muslim's as some sort of special case. That is just what they want. It would justify their Jihad. [/i Muslin Terrorists ARE a special case by the very nature of the size of the threat they present. Don't just take my opinion for that, read the [url=http://rt.com/news/islam-radicalization-terrorism-europe-826/LINK[/urllink which I previously posted to one of your posts. Oh, and I doubt your average terrorist needs any input from an outsider to justify their Jihad.
Quote DaveO="DaveO"
The relevance of the tacit support for the IRA I mentioned is that it was no reason to demonise or mistrust the wider Irish Catholic community '"
Ah, that would be the wider catholic community from whom the IRA received tacit support,and yet you opined should not be mistrusted for providing this tacit support would it? Train crash logic at its best my friend! Yet again you crowbar a reference specifically about the IRA, and not one of the many other terrorist organisations into a discussion about Radical Islam. Why do you continually do that? If you want a debate on the merits of Irish terrorists start a new thread, and I'll do my best to point you in the right direction, although i suspect you might be a bit upset with my thoughts on them.
Quote DaveO="DaveO"
how to you draw that conclusion? We are not discussing what the goals of these people are. '"
Until you understand the goals of a terrorist Organisation, you are never going to develop a long term Military and Political strategy to defeat it. Simply attempting to shoot/bomb them out of existence has only a limited effect. Yes, you will have a measure of success against its leaders, but you can't exterminate a philosophy with high explosives.You must get inside their heads, realise what brought about the initial radicallisation of its members, and attempt to address this. John Major proved the old adage, that you make peace with your enemies, not your friends, when he made the morally unpleasant decisions that ended the conflict with the provos.
And I think I'll leave it there.