Quote cod'ead="cod'ead"Politics of envy
No matter how many times you may shout it, it still doesn't make it true.
As has often been proven whenever you've resorted to your stock rhetoric.
You've already attempted to tak the pi[iss[/i out of Harry Smith - you know, the OAP (your term) who stood up at the Labour conference to defend the NHS.
Now ask yourself, without the massive investment in Social Security: A catch-all term that means exactly what it says. Where do you think you would be now?
I'm older than you but I was born in Hedon Road Maternity Hospital - a facility that would never have existed had it not been for the instroduction of the NHS 4 years prior to my birth. My mother would have given birth at home, not with a qualified midwife present but with "Flo from down the street" at best. At six months od age, the family dog bit me in the eye, I spent 3 months in Hull Children's Hospital, while they grafted my left eyeball to the lower lid. At four years of age, I was back in the Children's Hospital for a tonsillectomy.
None of the above would've happened without a Socialist government in charge.
I enjoyed a state-funded nursery facility, so my mother could go out to work. We lived in a Council House on Longhill Estate, alongside others who owned shops, managed shops and held what would now be described as middle-management positions. Some of our neighbours ownded cars but they only ever used them on weekends, preferring either to cycle to work, or take a municipally-provided bus.
Before you EVER try dissing "socialism", just ask yourself, what healthcare and education your parents would have afforded you (assuming you survived to full-term), without the state picking up a major portion of that tab?'"
You'd have been born somewhere else. Hope this helps.
How on earth do you know that you would have never been treated but for the NHS?
Is education the exclusive preserve of socialist thinking? You seem confused on this one.