Quote LeighGionaire="LeighGionaire"The banks have DOUBLED the money supply in the past ten years and although there has been some inflation (mainly in house prices) the world hasn't collapsed yet. Every day the government borrows more money from banks who create it from nothing and charge interest, how stupid is that when they could just create the money themselves and spend it into the economy?'"
It depends on what you want to do with the money. There is an argument that the money the B of E created to give to the banks via quantitative easing so they had money to lend in an attempt to kick-start the economy would generate more economic activity if it were parachuted into every citizens pocket.
However be that as it may you still seem to be under the impression the government is borrowing at some punitive rate off the banks. They aren't. To borrow they issue bonds as I explained. Printing money is not an alternative to that.
We then have the other aim which is to increase the money supply which is when the B of E employs quantitative easing. That isn't borrowing.
You also seem to be saying the fact money supply increases due to fractional reserve banking can or should be replaced by the B of E printing the cash instead. That would simply devalue the currency even faster than we have seen due to the amount of quantitative easing already occurred and inflation would rocket not just go up as the currency devalued more and more.
Quote LeighGionaireSecondly creating new money does not automatically create inflation. If you create new money to pay somebody who's unemployed to make something, he or she is adding real wealth to the new money you created. For example pay a man £300 in new money to make some chairs, every chair he makes is new, real wealth. Printing new money can cause inflation but it isn't a certainty like you seem to think.
Well its not like you think that is for sure. You are on about printing billions with the aim of increasing the money supply without that being backed by any kind of asset value. That is nuts.
When they use QE the B of E uses the money it prints to buy assets off banks. The banks then in theory lend the money on (at low interest rates because you don't do QE when interests rates are not low). This policy may or may not work in its aim but you can't just print money as an alternative way to increase the money supply.
Quote LeighGionaireAnyway on another note I read the other day that the Government ran up over a £1000 new debt for every man woman and child in the country over the past 12 months. Anybody who thinks these government debts are repayable are living in cloud cuckoo land IMO.'"
A different issue and so long as the interest on the debt is serviceable that doesn't really matter.