Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"You raised the issue of my expense account and my pay rises not me - I was just putting you right once again...'"
Then his initial point went 'woooooooooooosh'. And you didn't even hear it.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"You seem to have the impression that I am able to award myself a pay increase ...'"
No dear. We're all well aware that you have an employer and that you have to ask your
employer. We're well aware of this because you've told us this. Just as you then told us how your nasty employer said 'no'. Which is why you've moaned about it on here – and why you are so envious of others doing better than you.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise".... I don't know what area of the public sector you work in but it isn't all plain sailing in some areas of the private sector...'"
You could do with spending some quality time in library, Sal, because you can't even understand what people have posted. The bit about 'you're not the only person who works in the private sector and deals with private sector pressures" might have given some people a clue.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"... As for disagreeing, I disagree with most people on here about one thing or another - some Mintball, Cod-ed, Gareth I disagree with much they post and them me, if you can't stand the heat etc. You seem easy to wind up and when put on the spot you go into a tirade of unconnected gibberish - the thread on polls was another example of how when pressed you resorted to crass insults. Who are you to tell anyone to shut up?'"
Who are you to tell people to live in "the real world"? And you haven't explained what the "opportunity cost" is of spending time on RLFans.
And as for the 'can't stand the heat': is that why you run away from threads when your botty has been handed to you on a plate – frequently because you post factually incorrect guff (to go with your whinging and resentment of anyone else).
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"... I knew you didn't understand the concept of opportunity cost.'"
Oh, people do understand. They're just having hysterics over the idea of someone trying to claim that they sit down and apply "opportunity cost" to every aspect of their non-work life. It's hilarious. It's the stuff of farce. Carry on – it really is an absolute hoot.
What's the "opportunity cost" of sex with the missus? Does it change depending on the amount or foreplay? Is the "opportunity cost" of the aforementioned foreplay improved or worsened if, instead of you going down and her reciprocating later, you just go straight for a 69?
Do you sit down and discuss the "opportunity cost" with her beforehand and negotiate what you'll do, what positions you'll try, how long you'll keep going (what if she doesn't climax within the allotted time, though?) etc? Does she have a say in these negotiations over the "opportunity cost"?