Quote Off! Number Seven="Off! Number Seven"The "interpretation" of military discipilnary action as criminal behaviour in a decision making process is an action that would be considered illegal by employers, military discipline isn't required to be disclosed for Home Office security vetting or Civil Nuclear Security so why is it necessary or acceptable by the UKBA. '"
Unfortunatley a change in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Acts has meant that charges and punishments under "Military Justice"
[size=150can[/size be equated to a criminal conviction. Whilst I'm no legal buff, I am an ex-serviceman who has had sight of files of horendous crimes committed by military personnel, which where never recorded as criminal convictions. It's right that certain "criminal actions" taken by military personnel for which they have been punished should be put on a criminal record but my own view is that it should only be those that have been tried at a Courts Martial, the nearest vehicle the military judical system has with it's civil counterparts and not those which have been dealt at "Commanding Officer" level such as "Bales". As Mr Bumble said "The laws an ass". And I hope that the legislation is changed sooner rather than later.
Quote Off! Number Seven="Off! Number Seven"This smacks of the UKBA going after easy targets.'"
Yes it does. Commonwealth ex-service personnel are an easy target for an under fire government agency who are hell bent on achiving their targets so their suits can collect their bonuses and their ministers will be off their backs.