Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueOccasionally, though I generally prefer beer.'"
Humorous, but you miss the point again.
Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueWhether you [ithink[/i you know it or not, you are unable to prove it. Which is why I said your beliefs were lacking in any evidential foundation. If the only standard of proof we had to adhere to was "I believe it, therefore it's true", science would still be in the dark ages. And if that were the case, the computer in front of you wouldn't exist.'"
There is ample evidence, such as the evidence I cited in my previous response.
Look, I’m sure even you will admit that I’m not a complete idiot. I am an educated man and make a good living for myself. Do you think I’ve not looked at Christianity from a critical standpoint? Of course I have, and I believe that the evidence points to a world which has been created.
Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueI most assuredly do not. Science does not require faith, for it has evidence.'"
You have faith in the men in white coats who tell you what to think.
You have faith in your senses to interpret scientific data correctly.
Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueScientific evidence is obtained through rigorous experiment and a stringent peer-review process.'"
How is that any different to fellow Christians reviewing theology? Or exhibiting physical gifts of the Spirit?
Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueWhen new evidence comes to light that casts doubt upon a particular theory, scientists are willing to consider changing the theory if that evidence is proved to be reliable.'"
So if evidence came along which demonstrated that evolution was wrong, you’d be the first to admit it? If so, why should I listen to you when you label it a fact?
Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueContrast this to your 'sensual responses to God'. You have decided [iwithout evidence[/i that God exists.'"
No I haven’t.
Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueNo amount of evidence will ever persuade you that God does not exist.'"
No amount of evidence will persuade you that God exists. Even if he appeared before your eyes and performed miracles I’m sure you’d just blame it on some kind of psychological episode. You will never be satisfied. You are an enemy of God.
Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueIt suited those who were in positions of authority at the time. That's an over simplification, but it's nearer the truth than 'the explosion of the early church proves Jesus'/God's existence'.'"
The people who witnessed Jesus’ resurrection were born again straight away. Their numbers multiplied astronomically. How do you explain this?
Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueWe have no proof that Jesus even existed, but if he did, I refer you back to my previous answer about the mental patients. People believe all manner of crazy sh*t.'"
An overwhelming majority of scholars from numerous faiths (or even no faith) agree he existed.
Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueIt's a bloody story. We have no proof that Jesus existed, much less that he died, was placed in a tomb and then came back to life.'"
Again, most scholars would disagree. You should then ask yourself why you accept or reject certain claims about his divinity.
Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueYes, it is. There is not a single recognised scientist alive who doesn't accept the theory of evolution. It is fact.'"
Is that a fact just for today or for eternity? Real facts don’t chop and change depending on what way the wind is blowing.
Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueI don't have to be millions of years old. Are the Police present at every murder? Or do they collect evidence in order to build up a picture of what happened? There is massive, overwhelming evidence to support evolution. You would have to be a total idiot to doubt it.'"
There’s a notable lack of evidence of transition within species.
Quote I believe it, therefore it's trueSpeak for yourself. I'm a good person. I don't go out of my way to hurt others - sometimes I'll even go out of my way to help them. I don't cheat on my wife and I'm a good father to our son. I'm (usually) honest, I don't murder or rape, and I pay my taxes. I'm not perfect - none of us are - but I certainly don't deserve Hell. Which is fortunate, because I won't be going there.'"
You fall short of God’s perfection, that is enough to condemn you. You are self-righteous. I am sorry to say you are destined for Hell whether you think you are a good person or not.
Please, embrace Jesus.