Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"Homosexuality and its predisposed triggers - yet another area in which you think you are an expert?
TBF it was you, not him, who was stating as a fact that it is all down to "homosexual genes":
Quote Sal Paradise="You"Does anyone really believe if you have homosexual genes you will refrain from having a same sex physical relationship because Francis pontificates'"
When challenged about this, you replied indicating that you were reinforced in your opinion that there are "homosexual genes" because you said:
Quote Sal Paradise"How do you explain the significant % of gay men that have very feminine traits - high voices, very slim bodies effeminate mannerisms is that all learned/copied?"'"
In other words you were clearly expressing the view that these traits are NOT learned/copied but are down to "homosexual genes".
I don't think it is definite that there isn't, and indeed it makes reasonable sense to theorize that there may be some connection with a genetic component, but your statement that "homosexual genes" exist is not an established scientific fact.