Quote SmokeyTA="SmokeyTA"The only fact you are expressing is that you aren’t aware of it. Im not going to argue with you about what you are and aren’t aware of. '"
Translation: You can’t produce anything, not one thing.
Quote SmokeyTA="SmokeyTA"Why not try the US. '"
Because it is not evidence of what I asked you for. The fact that in any given country, out of millions of inhabitants, a significant amount of support can be found for prety much any proposition (even the frequent occurrence of alien anal probes), does not equate to any one of those views forming part of the judicial process. If a US state executes a criminal, many residents may personally feel that some measure of revenge has been exacted, but that doesn't mean that the concept of revenge was involved in the decision whether or not he should die, which would be based on laws enacted, processes followed and decisions made with a total absence of the concept of revenge. Get it?
Quote SmokeyTA="SmokeyTA"Whereas if you were a homosexual in Uganda im sure you would think their laws perfectly fair and reasonable. '"
Homosexual? Uganda?? As we were neither discussing Uganda, nor homosexuality, nor what laws I think "fair and reasonable", I nominate that for your second-weirdest remark to press.
Quote SmokeyTA="SmokeyTA"Interesting you should mention mediaeval concepts such as an eye for an eye. '"
No, I "mentioned" it as it is the ultimate manifestation of "parity" between offender and victim, which YOU seem to favour as an aim. [iI'm[/i the one who [idisputed your[/i remark about "parity" between perpetrator and victim as some sort of aim. Remember?
Quote SmokeyTA="SmokeyTA"Are you arguing that something you would describe as a mediaeval concept is also reasonable? '"
Any given concept is either reasonable or not, depending what it is. Its age is not relevant. That the earth isn't flat is a pretty ancient concept, but I think it is reasonable. Aliens bent on performing anal probes is a very recent concept, but I don't think it's a reasonable one.
Again, the "parity" concept was introduced by you, not me.
Quote SmokeyTA="SmokeyTA"Those given a whole life order can apply for release through the home secretary. '"
Beside your point entirely, but anyway if you've looked it up, then you'll know that they can only do so on compassionate grounds of great age or infirmity. Not because they have become fully rehabilitated.
Plus, you've got it the wrong way round, since it [iused to be[/i the Home Secretary who decided how long you'd serve, but now that decision is made by the Trial Judge. The Home Secretary's role and power in the process has been greatly reduced, not increased, as you seem to believe.
Moving on, following the recent ECHR ruling, Jeremy Bamber was quoted as saying:
Quote SmokeyTA"If the state wishes to have a death penalty, then they should be honest and re-introduce hanging.
"Instead, this political decision that I must die in jail is the death penalty using old age or infirmity as the method.'"
That's perhaps as twisted logic as anything you've come up with.