Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"I... Every single electron on this planet is moving in accordance with God’s appointment. '"
I see. God personally controls every single subatomic particle. No wonder he's too busy to stop innocent schoolgirls being knifed to death.
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller" God planned this teenager’s tragic death. '"
This is my point. Anyone who planned that death is really, truly, unambiguously and definitely not worth "following", let alone worshipping. If god had indeed planned her death then he is a murderer too.
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"You may find it hard to get your head around this '"
No, it couldn't be more straightforward. You worship a murdering scumbag with no thought for the immense grief and pain which his quixotic psychopathic tendencies brings to his "creations".
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"YSo why do bad things happen? Because it is God’s righteous wrath on a disobedient people. It is not malevolent, it is just.'"
So god thought, "I'll vent my righteous wrath on a disobedient people" by arranging for a lunatic to stab an innocent schoolgirl to death. Just that one. None of her mates, or the rest of the school population. If you cannot see the lunacy of this proposition, then you really are beyond help. Your logic circuits are FUBAR. Your head isn't working any more.
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller" An omnibenevolent God must be just,'"
Well, yes, and your is seemingly anything but just. So what does that tell you?
Quote kirkstallerand God cannot simply ignore sin.'"
Yes, he can, since (by defintion) he ignores at least 99.9% of all sin, if we are all sinners, yet none of us apart from a tiny percentage meet this righteous wrath. He ignores it all. Yet serendipitously picks on a random young girl and her family and friends, and plans her death in the most sensless and cruel way. Even if you accepted the proposition that he "cannot ignore sin", why would he not start by exercising his righteous wrath on those rather more deserving?