Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"Growth has to come from the private sector you will not eradicate a deficit by increasing public spending...'"
Quite apart from anything else, this is historically incorrect. We had a massive debt after WWII. Do you know what we did? We went and borrowed and invested in building the NHS and education and loads of other things. And do you know what else we built with it? That's right – the prosperity of the 1950s.
These are matters of historic record.
And if one were to take the example of the private builder of fire engines that laid off half its staff a day or so after this coalition took office, then one has a perfect illustration of public sector cuts having a direct, negative consequence for the private sector.
Equally, of course, if those cuts were to be reversed, the company (that's the private company, remember) might gain contracts to build more fire engines. And ergo you have a little bit of growth, with more people employed, more people paying taxes and spending money in their local economy, and less money being spent on benefits. Ergo the deficit is decreased.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"... Growth was less than 1% in 2010 ...'"
1) That was just two years after banks took us to the brink.
2) It was growth. We are now in a double dip recession. Caused by the imbecile in No11.
3) Anything over 0% is growth – and is a hell of a lot better than Osborne has managed.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise" 2009 the last full year under Labour saw a significant downturn in the economy, unemployment has been growing since 2008 - to say Labour had it under control is a not supported by the figures!!'"
2009 – will that be the year after the effing banks tried to screw the entire global economy, will it? Y'remember that little event, do you?
There was growth when this lot took office – even you have acknowledged that. And that was just two years after near total meltdown.
Well let's spell it out very simply, once again: A whole whopping four years later, we are in a double-dip recession. The deficit has increased. Borrowing is up.
It's not working. The imbecile's plans are not working, because you can not get growth out of austerity. Even the IMF, that bastion of leftie thinking, has said that, in 170 examples of austerity policies being enacted over 40 years, not a single one has created growth.
And on the basis of your comments here about how dreadful it all was in 2009, a mere year after the financial crisis began in earnest, then Osborne has had a full year longer than that – and that was building on the growth that he inherited – to improve things further. He has not. He has made things a lot, lot worse.
You'd think that this was rocket science, FFS.