Quote Rock God X="Rock God X"Allow me to rephrase:
Firefighters must be prepared to risk their lives on a daily basis, and actively [ido[/i risk their lives every time they enter a burning building. Yes, there are measures in place to make it less dangerous, but the risk is very definitely there. '"
Well, an improvement, but still pretty meaningless, and out of context.
If we strip out your emotional subtext, the facts are that there are around 45,000 firefighters, and that since 1978, 82 have been killed on operational duty. Call it 2 a year, or odds of 22,500/1. That is only about twice the overall chances of being killed in a work accident in the UK.
I drive to work. That gives me an 8,000/1 chance of being killed in any given year. Far more dangerous than being a fireman. Yet to date I have not been offered a knighthood.
Quote Rock God X="Rock God X"If our paths ever do cross, I will happily purchase for you the beverage of your choice. This offer is strictly on the understanding that you address me as 'Lord God of the Rock Music' for the entire duration of our meeting.'"
A small price to pay for free beer. Though I expect you know nothing about rock music, either.
=#FFFFFF********************************* ^^ ^^ this is " h u m o r o u s " ^^ ^^